谈谈数据分析 caoz_让我们谈谈开放数据…

谈谈数据分析 caoz

According to the International Open Data Charter(1), it defines open data as those digital data that are made available with the technical and legal characteristics necessary so that they can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone, at any time and anywhere.


But what are the bases that are governed to comply with the definition of open data, the International Open Data Charter gives us the principles:


- Open by default:


There must be free access to government data.


Governments must adopt strategies for the creation, use, exchange, and harmonization of open data.


Open data must not violate the right to privacy.


- Timely and comprehensive:


The prioritization of what data to open should be done in consultation with current and potential users.


The data must be comprehensive, accurate, and high quality.


- Accessible and usable:


Open data helps improve decision making.


There should be no bureaucratic and/or administrative barriers to accessing the data.


- Comparable and interoperable:


Data should be opened in standardized formats to support interoperability, traceability, and reuse.


- To improve governance and citizen participation:


Open data strengthens governance and trust in institutions and favors transparency.


Consultation processes with citizens, civil society, and the private sector can help establish priorities.


-For inclusive development and innovation:


Open data allows the identification of social and economic challenges, as well as monitoring development goals.


Open data is an equitable resource that empowers people to access regardless of who they are; The existence of a digital dividend that can exclude marginalized groups from this access is also recognized.

开放数据是一种公平的资源,使人们无论身在何处都可以访问。 还认识到存在可以将边缘化群体排除在此访问之外的数字红利的存在。

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We are currently in an era of open data. We have developed great technology and infrastructure in data storage, design, and production. According to the United Nations(2), we are facing a “data revolution”, characterized by an explosion in the volume, in the speed at which it is generated and disseminated, and in the various sources and devices in which it is available.

我们目前处于开放数据时代。 我们已经在数据存储,设计和生产中开发了出色的技术和基础架构。 根据联合国(2)的说法,我们正面临一场“数据革命”,其特征是数量激增,生成和传播的速度以及各种可用来源和设备的爆炸式增长。

This represents a challenge for governments, which must become stewards of information and data, for which they must promote spaces for collaboration where the generation of value is enabled through the use of open data.


Open data should allow us all to:


Access them, through digital formats.


Use them, through structuring in formats or standards that facilitate interoperability.


Share them, through their legal certainty and integrity.


Now knowing this, what are the benefits of having that infrastructure.


  • Open data is an equitable resource that empowers people to access regardless of who they are; The existence of a digital dividend that can exclude marginalized groups from this access is also recognized.

    开放数据是一种公平的资源,使人们无论身在何处都可以访问。 还认识到存在可以将边缘化群体排除在此访问之外的数字红利的存在。
  • Open data plays a fundamental role in the transparency and accountability of governments.

  • Massive and open data is essential to improve the confidence of citizens in their states and to make them participate in public action, facilitating access to information and improving the quality of public services. In fact, the increasing openness of public data is building a new conception of the State, more receptive and centered on the citizen.

    大规模开放的数据对于提高公民对本州的信心并使其参与公共行动,促进信息获取和提高公共服务质量至关重要。 实际上,公共数据日益开放,正在建立一种新的国家概念,更加易于接受,并以公民为中心。

In this context, governments must ensure the reliability of data and promote spaces for collaboration where the generation of public value is enabled, guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data. It is important to note that in order for open data to generate value, it is necessary to advance in the standardization of quality, accessibility, and publication in easy-to-use formats.

在这种情况下,政府必须确保数据的可靠性,并在能够产生公共价值的地方促进合作空间,从而保证个人数据的机密性。 重要的是要注意,为了使开放数据能够产生价值,有必要以易于使用的格式推进质量,可访问性和发布的标准化。

However, the opening of government data faces multiple political, legal, and technical challenges, including issues such as the reliability of published data, the protection of the privacy of individuals, the lack of a link between offer and demand for data, and insufficient measurement of the impact of open data initiatives.


Traditionally, the focus on open data has focused on the benefits it generates in terms of transparency and accountability. The publication of data on hiring, public works, budgets, among all, helps to make management transparent and to highlight mismanagement or corrupt practices that would otherwise be more difficult to identify.

传统上,对开放数据的关注集中于其在透明度和问责制方面产生的收益。 有关招聘,公共工程,预算等方面的数据的发布,有助于使管理透明化,并强调管理不善或腐败的作法,而这些本来就很难识别。

However, it is important to mention that open data also has the potential to improve the efficiency of the governments of the region, facilitating the design, monitoring, and evaluation of public policies. Furthermore, they can become an enabler of economic development by creating opportunities for entrepreneurs who use the data to create services or products.

但是,必须提及的是,开放数据还具有提高该地区政府效率的潜力,有助于设计,监视和评估公共政策。 此外,通过为使用数据来创建服务或产品的企业家创造机会,它们可以成为经济发展的推动力。

Finally, open data plays a fundamental role in the empowerment of communities thanks to the fact that, through its use, civil society organizations and other actors (academia, journalists, companies, entrepreneurs) can make public problems visible and communicate citizen demands, generate networks of public-private cooperation to co-create and co-produce public services, and connect actors of the digital ecosystem to strengthen innovation in public administration. In this sense, open data serves as a trust-building element between the government and the citizen.

最后,由于公民社会组织和其他行为者(学术界,新闻工作者,公司,企业家)通过使用开放数据,可以使公共问题可见并传达公民需求,建立网络,从而在增强社区权能方面发挥着根本作用。公私合作以共同创造和共同生产公共服务,并连接数字生态系统的参与者以加强公共管理的创新。 从这个意义上讲,开放数据是政府与公民之间建立信任的要素。

Governments have an unprecedented opportunity to generate public value through the openness and use of data. Let’s hope that all countries are able to face multiple challenges and that there is data for everyone.

各国政府拥有通过公开和使用数据来创造公共价值的前所未有的机会。 我们希望所有国家都能面对多重挑战,并为每个人提供数据。

(1) source: international open data charter, available in https://opendatacharter.net/principles/


(2) https://www.undatarevolution.org/report/ A-World-That-Counts.pdf

(2)https://www.undatarevolution.org/report/ A-World-That-Counts.pdf

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/lets-talk-about-open-data-1b6001b5e387

谈谈数据分析 caoz





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