mac 不能连接wi-fi_如何在Mac OS X中查看当前的Wi-Fi连接速度

mac 不能连接wi-fi

mac 不能连接wi-fi

Ever since I’ve been using my new MacBook Air, I’ve been befuddled by how to do some of the simplest tasks in Mac OS X that I would normally do from my Windows laptop—like show the connection speed for the current Wi-Fi network. So am I using 802.11ac or not?

自从我使用新的MacBook Air之后,我就迷上了如何在Mac OS X中完成一些通常可以从Windows笔记本电脑完成的最简单的任务-例如显示当前Wi-Fi的连接速度Fi网络。 我是否使用802.11ac?

Normally, on my Windows 7 laptop, all I’d have to do is hover over the icon, or pop up the list—you can even go into the network details and see just about every piece of data about the network, all from the system tray. Here’s how to see your current connection information on your Mac.

通常,在Windows 7笔记本电脑上,我所要做的就是将鼠标悬停在图标上,或弹出列表,甚至可以进入网络详细信息,并查看与网络有关的几乎所有数据。系统托盘。 这是在Mac上查看当前连接信息的方法。

使用Option-Click (Using Option-Click)

As pointed out by anon in the comments, you can simply hold down the Option key while clicking on the menu bar icon for your Airport, and it will show you the extended information in the popup display.


Very useful. Thanks!

很有用。 谢谢!

使用网络实用程序 (Using the Network Utility)

You can use the Network Utility by using Cmd+Space to pull up the Spotlight search box and typing it in, or you can navigate through your Applications -> Utilities folder to find it.

您可以通过使用Cmd + Space来使用Spotlight搜索框并键入它来使用Network Utility,也可以在“应用程序”->“实用程序”文件夹中导航以找到它。

Once you’re there, you can see the current connection speed by looking at the Link Speed, which will show the actual data rate that you’re using. This rate will change as you move around your house, so if you’re far away from the router, the rate will change, and if you’re closer, it will get higher.

到达那里后,您可以通过查看“链接速度”来查看当前的连接速度,该链接速度将显示您正在使用的实际数据速率。 当您在房子周围移动时,该速率将发生变化,因此,如果您离路由器较远,则速率将发生变化;如果离路由器较近,它将变得更高。

使用系统信息实用程序 (Using the System Information Utility)

You can open up the System Information application from Spotlight search, or through Applications -> Utilities. Once you’re there, navigate down to Network -> Wi-Fi or Network -> Airport depending on how old your MacBook and version of OS X might be, and you’ll see the current connection over on the right. In my case, I’m using Wireless-N. Perhaps it’s time to upgrade!

您可以通过Spotlight搜索或通过“应用程序”->“实用程序”打开“系统信息”应用程序。 到达那里后,根据MacBook和OS X版本的年龄,向下导航至“网络”-> Wi-Fi或“网络”->“机场”,然后您会在右侧看到当前的连接。 就我而言,我正在使用Wireless-N。 也许是时候升级了!

This can be really useful to make sure that your router is functioning the way that you think it should be. Sometimes that 802.11N router is actually defaulting to G instead, and you’re missing out on a lot of speed.

这对于确保路由器以您认为应该的方式运行非常有用。 有时,该802.11N路由器实际上默认为G,而您却错过了很多速度。


mac 不能连接wi-fi




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