
Block offensive comments on Instagram
Shubham Agarwal
Shubham Agarwal

If you have a public Instagram profile, chances are you’ve been a victim of inappropriate comments from strangers. Given the social network’s vast size, it’s practically impossible to escape such bad actors. Thankfully, Instagram offers a set of tools that let you block offensive comments.

如果您拥有公开的Instagram个人资料,则很可能您是陌生人发表不当评论的受害者。 考虑到社交网络的庞大规模,几乎不可能逃脱这些不良行为者。 值得庆幸的是,Instagram提供了一组工具,可让您阻止令人反感的评论。

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device and then navigate to your profile tab by tapping your display picture in the bottom-right corner.


Visit the profile tab on the Instagram app

Tap the hamburger button in the top-right corner to access the side menu and then go to Settings > Privacy.


Instagram app profile menu settings

Under the “Interactions” section, select “Comments.”


Visit the comment controls menu on Instagram app

To ward off offensive comments, you need the tools available under “Filters.”


Once you switch on the first “Hide Offensive Comments” option, Instagram automatically tries to detect spammy or inappropriate comments before they reach you and blocks them using an AI-based filter. In addition to your posts’ comment section, this setting also applies to responses you may receive from your stories and your live videos’ chat stream.

一旦您打开第一个“隐藏令人反感的评论”选项,Instagram就会自动尝试检测垃圾邮件或不适当的评论,然后再使用基于AI的过滤器阻止它们。 除了帖子的评论部分外,此设置还适用于您可能从故事和实时视频的聊天流中收到的回复。

Hide offensive comments on Instagram

Instagram’s solution won’t be effective every time and some offensive comments may still slip through the cracks. But because the algorithm behind it constantly keeps learning based on what you and other users’ flag, it will likely get better over time.

Instagram解决方案并非每次都有效,某些令人反感的评论仍可能会漏掉裂缝。 但是,由于其背后的算法不断根据您和其他用户的标记进行学习,因此随着时间的推移,它可能会变得更好。

The second “Manual Filter” option, as the name suggests, gives you the ability to choose the words or phrases that qualify as offensive. If Instagram spots a comment containing any of them, the social network will censor it.

顾名思义,第二个“手动过滤器”选项使您能够选择符合要求的单词或短语。 如果Instagram发现包含任何评论的评论,则社交网络将对其进行审查。

When you enable the manual filter, Instagram will reveal a text field where you need to enter these words. If you are planning to add more than one, don’t forget to separate them by a comma.

启用手动过滤器后,Instagram将显示一个文本字段,您需要在其中输入这些单词。 如果您打算添加多个,请不要忘记用逗号分隔它们。

Manually filter out offensive comments on Instagram

This feature is available on Instagram’s website as well. There, click your profile picture thumbnail in the top-right corner of the website and then navigate to Settings > Privacy & Settings > Edit Comment Settings.

Instagram网站也提供此功能。 在此处,单击网站右上角的个人资料图片缩略图,然后导航到“设置”>“隐私和设置”>“编辑评论设置”。

Filter out offensive comments on Instagram website

Whenever a comment matches any of these filters, it won’t be visible to anyone except for the person who left it.


Under “Manual Filter” on your phone, you will also find a third previously hidden option called “Filter Most Reported Words.” Activating this tunes out the words and phrases that are often present in the comments you report to Instagram as abuse or spammy.

在手机上的“手动过滤器”下,您还会找到第三个先前隐藏的选项,称为“过滤大多数报告的单词”。 激活此功能可以滤除您向Instagram报告为滥用或垃圾邮件的评论中经常出现的单词和短语。

To report an Instagram comment, tap a comment once to highlight it and then select the “Exclamation Point” button found in the top menu bar.


Report a comment on Instagram

Choose “Report This Comment” and pick the reason for why you are reporting it.


Report offensive comments on Instagram

While these comment filtering options are not flawless, they can together drastically cut down the number of offensive remarks that land on your photos and videos.


If there’s a particular user that regularly drops an inappropriate comment, you can also consider blocking them or specifically pick who is allowed to leave a comment on your posts.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690227/how-to-filter-out-offensive-comments-on-instagram/




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